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Allan Toniks

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Now Showing : Allan Toniks, From New to Old Songs
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Understand by Rulz, Allan Toniks
Rulz, Allan Toniks
One Day by IaM Jkayz, Allan Toniks
One Day
IaM Jkayz, Allan Toniks
Marry You by Allan Toniks, John Blaq
Marry You
Allan Toniks, John Blaq
Nsitula by Allan Toniks, Sheebah Karungi
Allan Toniks, Sheebah Karungi
Call Me by Allan Toniks, Feffe Bussi
Call Me
Allan Toniks, Feffe Bussi
Clock by Mark Stel, Allan Toniks
Mark Stel, Allan Toniks
Namudiguli (Remix) by Rap Gie and Allan Toniks
Namudiguli (Remix)
Rap Gie and Allan Toniks
Awo by Allan Toniks
Allan Toniks
Ontambuza by Idc Music And Allan Toniks
Idc Music And Allan Toniks
Akahama by Allan Toniks
Allan Toniks
My Miss by Allan Toniks
My Miss
Allan Toniks
Gundeze by Danra Ft. Allan Toniks
Danra Ft. Allan Toniks
Sunday (Theweezy Remix) by DJ Slick Stuart and Roja Ft. Allan Toniks
Sunday (Theweezy Remix)
DJ Slick Stuart and Roja Ft. Allan Toniks
Sexy Chocolat by Bigg Frankii Ft. Allan Toniks
Sexy Chocolat
Bigg Frankii Ft. Allan Toniks
Sikuleka by Allan Toniks
Allan Toniks
Lover by Allan Toniks X Genista
Allan Toniks X Genista
Dj Kuchuma by Hidah Ft. Allan Toniks
Dj Kuchuma
Hidah Ft. Allan Toniks
Sunday by DJ Slick Stuart and Roja Ft. Allan Toniks
DJ Slick Stuart and Roja Ft. Allan Toniks
Falling by Allan Toniks Ft. Fille Mutoni
Allan Toniks Ft. Fille Mutoni
Wonder Woman by Bruno K Ft. Allan Toniks
Wonder Woman
Bruno K Ft. Allan Toniks
Ensonga by Allan Toniks
Allan Toniks
Romance by Allan Toniks
Allan Toniks
Nze Wuwo by Allan Toniks
Nze Wuwo
Allan Toniks
Banyirira (Kampala Girls) by Allan Toniks
Banyirira (Kampala Girls)
Allan Toniks
Tukola by Allan Toniks
Allan Toniks
Juju by Allan Toniks
Allan Toniks
Follow We by Flex D Paper Ft. Allan Toniks
Follow We
Flex D Paper Ft. Allan Toniks
Punzi by Allan Tonix Ft. Faizo
Allan Tonix Ft. Faizo
Beera Nange by Allan Toniks
Beera Nange
Allan Toniks
Kampala Girls by Allan Toniks
Kampala Girls
Allan Toniks
Gyal Next Door by Radio and Weasel Ft Allan Toniks
Gyal Next Door
Radio and Weasel Ft Allan Toniks
Swag Meter by Allan Toniks Ft. Roberto
Swag Meter
Allan Toniks Ft. Roberto
Ninyenda Yona by Allan Toniks
Ninyenda Yona
Allan Toniks
Regular by Allan Toniks Ft. Navio
Allan Toniks Ft. Navio
Regular by Allan Toniks
Allan Toniks
Give Me Your Number by Nora and Allan Toniks
Give Me Your Number
Nora and Allan Toniks
Rescue Me by Allan Toniks
Rescue Me
Allan Toniks
Rescue Me by Allan Toniks
Rescue Me
Allan Toniks
Mungato by Allan Toniks
Allan Toniks
Wat You Got by Allan Toniks
Wat You Got
Allan Toniks
Nkutwaale by Allan Toniks
Allan Toniks
Money by Allan Toniks and Gal Level
Allan Toniks and Gal Level
That Gyal by Allan Toniks
That Gyal
Allan Toniks
Who You Are by Allan Toniks and Ray Signature
Who You Are
Allan Toniks and Ray Signature
Who You Are by Allan Toniks
Who You Are
Allan Toniks
Who You Are by Allan Toniks Ft. Ray Signature
Who You Are
Allan Toniks Ft. Ray Signature
Mulamwa by Allan Toniks
Allan Toniks
Yanshemeza by Allan Toniks
Allan Toniks
Yenze by Allan Toniks
Allan Toniks
Tokazamani by Allan Toniks and Gaaju
Allan Toniks and Gaaju
Nsuubiza by Allan Toniks
Allan Toniks
Sikyetaaga by Allan Toniks Ft. Desire Luzinda
Allan Toniks Ft. Desire Luzinda
Killa by Allan Toniks and Proff
Allan Toniks and Proff
Baby Lauguage by Allan Toniks ft Don MC
Baby Lauguage
Allan Toniks ft Don MC

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The "F" Songs
For Life by Pallaso, Hash Beats
For Life
Pallaso, Hash Beats
Free Uganda by Jb Matia
Free Uganda
Jb Matia
Facebook Lover (Remix) by Kyle and Remy Ft Don MC and Santana
Facebook Lover (Remix)
Kyle and Remy Ft Don MC and Santana
Fena Twadiba by Trix Lane And Latinum
Fena Twadiba
Trix Lane And Latinum
search for any song here