Outspoken city pastor Martin Ssempa has hit at fellow House of Prayer Ministries International pastor Aloysius Bugingo telling him to stop faking crocodile tears and return to his first wife Teddy Naluswa Bugingo.
Through a recorded video, Pastor Ssempa scoffed at Bugingo telling him that as pastors, they don’t need tears from him on the pulpit since it is the same place where he used to get cozy with his wife Susan Makula.
Ssempa added that fellow pastors need to see Bugingo repent before God and act by packing some of his belongings from his Kyebando house where he puts up with Makula to return to Teddy in Kitende, Entebbe.
He also vowed to be a witness the case that was filed against Bugingo in court for contracting marriage by customary law when already married under the marriage act contrary to section 50 of the Marriage Act CAP, 251.
I saw Pastor Bugingo pretending to cry the past Sunday while on the pulpit, seemingly he was repenting.
"Those are just crocodile tears. We don’t need tears on the pulpit where you have been caressing and getting cozy with your wife Susan Makula. We only need you to act. Acting is repenting but not singing on stage or shedding crocodile tears." Said Sempa
He also advised the city Pastor to pack and go back to his wife and in addition, to also start serious repentance for the sins he committed.
"Collect a few of your belongings and some saucepans, wave goodbye to Makula, and return to Kitende on your knees while repenting for committing fornication before Teddy Naluswa. Start walking on foot from Kyebando to Kitende while singing that adultery is bad and evil. These claims you’re making that you’re suffering is just the beginning of your woes." He said.
Pastor Sempa went ahead to say that he would also be involved in the case against Bugingo as a witness to his fonication and Bigamy.
"Personally, I am waiting for you in court come 21st January. We advised you to repent but you didn’t heed to our pleas so just wait for your baptism of fire."