Bruno K has been mourning painfully the loss of the mother of his child but Netizens only knew her by the name of Racheal. Earlier today, news has spread like a fire in a forest full of dry twigs about her full name which has been exposed to be Nasasira Racheal.
When asked why he was hiding her identity from the public, Bruno K is recalled to have come out to say Racheal always wanted her life private and she did not want the public to know she was the mother to Briella.
Many fans believed him and continue to mourn together with him. Today however, fans received a tip on all the social media handles that the late Racheal had been using. She is said to have posted various stuff and she was actually active on socials. This is what has caused great disappointment in the fans of Bruno K because he had earlier said she did not even want to post her child because she never wanted people to réalisé it was her.
It turned out to be the opposite and it is Bruno who refused her to post the child. This has caused disbelief from many of his supporters and once the got to know of the names she used on her socials, they have been flocking her posts with comments even in her absence. Her Facebook name is Nasasira Rahel and her Twitter handle is Nasasira Ray Mercedes.
The comments that are flocking on her Facebook posts truly are touching and they are criticising Bruno for being heartless.
Many have been routing for Bruno to keep his child due to the fact that he is fighting for custody for his child with a one Aaron who is said to be her uncle and that he was very close to his sister Racheal. The family believes Racheals legacy should not remain with Bruno but return to her side. With all the revelations however, many have turned against him and are actually saying uncle Aaron is the one who is fit to take care of Briella.