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    How to identify an Intelligent Person.

    How to identify an Intelligent Person.
    • September 19, 2023 • 1 year ago

    We all know what science says about the human brain, right? According to Science, everyone’s brain works equally. I beg to differ from this opinion however. We have all met some rather unintelligent people and it is safe to agree that many people are ahead and many people are a little behind in this race.

    We need to recognize that however much there exist intelligent people, there are some that are not too intelligent and also there are some that go way beyond the normal level of intelligence.

    When you spend time with a highly intelligent person, it’s obvious that they are smart and there is no need for you to question their intelligence. They don’t need to tell you that they’re smart, show you proof of their achievements, or be arrogant. You will just know.

    Their brilliance and common sense show themselves during your regular conversations or even through their own actions and character. They just seem more knowledgeable about everything than others.

    There is also a set of individuals that are not too intelligent but yet they know how to act like they are. This is a very dangerous group that you will need to look out for because they are dangerous even to themselves, without even knowing it. Below are the sure signs you can use to spot an intelligent person;


    How to identify an Intelligent Person.

    They only talk when it’s necessary.

    Intelligent people do not just talk. They do not use every opportunity they have to try and explain their intelligence but rather, they only speak up only and only when they deem it necessary. And trust me when I say, they will not always see the need to talk because they wont consider that it is necessary to talk too much.

    Intelligent people act more than they can ever speak. They are usually not time wasters and in most cases, they believe talking is a waste of time when you can actually do what you want to discuss.

    They are honest with what they don’t Know.

    Intelligent people never act like they know it all. There is a group of people who always want to act like they know it all. This does not apply to I intelligent people. People with a high IQ usually are very honest about things they know and things they have no idea about. This is because they are not after showing off but rather they love to learn.

    Their passion for never ending learning could never make them lie about knowing something they clearly don’t. Besides all this, intelligent people do not like the idea of acting like they know everything only to look like fools when things backfire.

    They have nothing to prove.

    When a person is intelligent, they will not see he need to prove their intelligence to other people around them. It is always he slow ones that a striving to show everyone else that they have a high IQ( which they may not even have).  Intelligent people simply don’t see the need to show off because they feel like they do not need anyone’s approval or admiration.

    They have patience.

    Patience is a very difficult virtual to exercise, I must say. It is difficult to come across people that practice patience and take time to react to things even when they have all the right to do so. If you find a person that is patient, then you have landed on an intelligent person. Intelligent people are actually that way because of patience.

    They do not act out of emotion but always think through everything they want to do. They exercise patience in order to control their actions which in turn makes them make more calculated and intelligent decisions.

    Good Listeners.

    Intelligent people always listen more than they actually speak. They are always good listeners and they do not talk quickly as they prioritize listening. When they listen, they are able to analyze everything they have heard and in the end, they deduce very many things from the simple phrases anyone could make. If you are telling them a lie, it will be easy for them to find a loophole because they are very calculative and careful when it comes to their listening skills.

    Continuous  learners.

    For intelligent people, learning never ends so for them, every chance they can get to learn something is quite precious to them. Intelligent people believe that learning never ends and they believe that every day could bring a new lesson your way hence learning for Ben never ends but it is rather continuous.

    They are quite forgetful.

    I know this sounds absurd but hear me out. Intelligent people have brains that are always over worked. In the end, they tend to easily forget the small things. This is because their brains are too preoccupied with bigger things than just the minute stuff that most people will focus on.


    They are always curious.

    Like I earlier said, an intelligent person never stops learning and for them, every single minute is an opportunity to learn something new. As a result of this, they tend to be way more curious than an ordinary thinker. They always want an explanation for why things are done the way they are.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How do intelligent people behave?

    Intelligent people know that their actions speak louder than their words. You don't brag about your achievements or flaunt your knowledge. You let your work and results show your competence and skill. You also don't feel threatened by other people's opinions or judgments.

    What do highly intelligent people do?

    For highly intelligent people, whilst they are most interested in finding solutions for real-life problems, they also enjoy pondering deep philosophical ideas and abstract concepts. From a young age, they have an insatiable curiosity about life; They thrive on learning.

    What makes you appear intelligent?

    Make eye contact. If someone looks at you while you're talking, you're more likely to think he's smarter. “Good eye contact means the other person is responsive to what you are doing or saying,” Wojciszke says. “If he is not responsive, this means that either you are dull or he is dumb

    How do geniuses think?

    By not settling with one perspective, geniuses do not merely solve existing problems, they figure out new problems we tend to ignore and find mind-blowing solutions. Geniuses are open-minded. Every problem — no matter how apparently simple it may be — comes with a long list of assumptions.

    How fast do geniuses learn?

    Souza's study demonstrated that an individual with an IQ of 126 or higher can often learn in one hour what it would take someone with an IQ in the standard range 4-5 hours to learn. This means that gifted people can truly read and understand faster than an average person.

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