Rumors have been circulating that Long time singer Chance Nalubega's 14 year old son is fathered by Revival Church founder the Late Pastor Yiga. This happened after news came out that Chance Nalubega's son was included in the will of the late pastor as his other children were.
Many of his lovers wanted to share his properties after his death but there were wrangles in property distribution as the named heir Pastor Andrew Jjengo was called greedy and accused of keeping all the properties of the deceased to himself.
Andrew Jjengo decided to split the properties according to the children left in his father's will. This is when it was revealed that among the 20 children pastor Yiga named in his will, Chance Nalubega's son was also on the list.
It was recorded that Pastor Yiga himself had announced that he had a son with her bht he only needed a DNA test to comfirm his words. Nalubega however claims that she was mistaken for another Nalubega and she was only being used as a scapegoat as she denies even ever having had a relationship with him.
"I have never had any relationship with Pastor Yiga. It was another Nalubega and she even took him to court once accusing him of child neglect. I am not sure how the case ended because it was not my business but unfortunately she passed away. I dont know where her child is right now . She was called Nalubega not Nalubega Chance. The media is only pulling me into this mess." She said.
Social Media analyst Wisdom Kaye came out and accused Chance Nalubega of feigning innocence and he said that Pastor Yiga was in his right mind when he said he had a child with her. He advised her to do a DNA test to hush the rumor.
"Despite being forbidden for people ofghe same totem among the Baganda to sleep together, Yiga and Nalubega did it." He added.