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    LOVE JUNGLE: Valentines day, a day of reflection of love

    LOVE JUNGLE: Valentines day, a day of reflection of love
    • February 14, 2022 • 3 years ago

    The day is finally here, whether you are coupled up or not it’s a day to share love. chocolate, teddy bears, cards, flowers, and cakes, are common items you would see on Valentine’s Day as an expression of love and romance. In this age and error even whatsapp statuses are going to be filled to the brim. However, I believe that our world would certainly be a better place if we all expressed agape love every day to everyone we meet because love restores our humanity and cuts across culture, religion, race, gender, and profession. Love is surely not how it is painted in films, social media, romantic songs, and novels. It requires constant pursuit, it cannot be measured by that chocolate, iPhone, or flower that you received, love demands much more than that. It’s a constant desire to do better for your partner and society as a whole. It is not a spike of affection on a particular day of the year. 

    Being the love jungle, we are keenly interested in all things relating to love and romance, we have absolutely no objections whatsoever about the celebration of Valentine’s day, as long as it is not taken as a do-or-die affair, and no one is breaking the bank to satisfy their partner. The concern regarding the hype around Valentine’s Day is that, in this era of social media, people tend to be more concerned about outdoing the other person rather than simply showing love most genuinely and truthfully.

    This morning one will witness headless pictures of people on statuses because it’s a requirement of relationships. Certain people will display pictures of gifts on their social media profiles, not to appreciate the giver, but to make “some people” green with envy. As a matter of fact, there is unhealthy pressure from couples on social media to post about each other, otherwise, some people may begin to insinuate that there’s trouble in paradise.

    We also agree with the school of thought that believes we do not need a specific date to be set aside to acknowledge any important anniversary at all. Couples do not need to reach a milestone of five or ten years to appreciate their love for each other and the journey they have shared so far. The same logic should apply to Valentine’s day celebration.

    All in all, it is the intention that counts, but one must make conscious efforts to love others the way they would like to be loved. Love should be an everyday habit. It should be about loving our neighbours, caring for our environment, helping the needy, expressing appreciation and showing kindness to people amongst others. In the words of the late Michael Jackson, with love, we can heal the world and make it a better place for the entire human race.

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