Recently we saw house wives up in arms asking for trips and increase in "sente za kameza" which is easily described as wife or girlfriend allowance. Nothing is more discussed and often in controversial aspects of relationships like money. Appearing in many different forms, Issues about expenditure seem to be the thorniest. From uber fares after visits, who pays during dates, how much one needs to earn before considering a relationship, etc have been debated on social media in the recent past.
Today's relationships are fashioned in a manner where when one doesnt benefit even monetary wise it's almost a useless union. Even when people don't want to accept the fact it's evident. One other aspect of this money discussion is the decision and act of giving a girlfriend money at the end of every month for her up keep.
This money is commonkyknown as Bae Allowance money a guy gives his girlfriend regularly commonly at the end of the month.
This article is mainly opinion based and not stopping anyone from giving money to a girlfriend. Actually there's even no rule about how frequent it should be or how much it should be. The Elites tag this topic to which love language ones partner shows.
There is no offence for a man to want to spoil his woman in all manners he deems fit and can afford. If a monthly allowance is one of the ways he chooses to appreciate his woman's presence in her life, then why not.
For a guy who finds it affordable and gives whole heartedly , it is admirable and nice. And you should never feel discouraged by people to stop if you see no problem with it.
Bae allowance should not be relationship standard or requirement.
This allowance may not be wrong but it should never be a relationship benchmark. If you date someone who gave you a monthly, weekly or daily allowance, it is important to understand that such person did it as a largesse and not a compulsory or widely-expected relationship standard.
Bae allowance is not on the same pedestal of relationship expectations as communication, honesy, gifting and others
Every money between partners need to be appreciated for the gifts they are, and not demanded as if they contractual obligations.
People in relationships should do these things because they and want to do so. No one should be compelled to do them.
There are relationship needs you can demand because you are entitled to them but an allowance, as nice as it is, shouldn't make the list.