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    Psychopathy. The signs and causes explained.

    Psychopathy. The signs and causes explained.
    • March 25, 2024 • 1 year ago
    in summary
    A detailed explanation on psychopathic tendencies.

    Psychopathy is a mental health condition characterized by persistent antisocial behavior, impaired empathy and remorse, and bolddisinhibited, and egoistic traits masked by superficial charm.

    A psychopath will act like an empathetic and normal person when surrounded by other people. They are good at making their inner most feelings as they are in many cases manipulative. They rarely let their true colors show in front of everyone else, well aside from their prey.

    Are psychopaths  criminals?

    It is most likely that psychopaths are criminals simply because not only are they violent but they are always aware that their actions are totally wrong and unacceptable in society but yet they still go on with them with out any feelings of remorse or guilt.


    Signs of Psychopathy

    • behavior that conflicts with social norms
    • disregarding or violating the rights of others
    • inability to distinguish between right and wrong
    • difficulty with showing remorse or empathy
    • tendency to lie often
    • manipulating and hurting others
    • recurring problems with the law
    • general disregard toward safety and responsibility
    • expressing anger and arrogance on a regular basis
    • lack deep emotional connections
    • have a superficial charm about them
    • Very aggressive
    • Get very angry sometimes
    • consistent irresponsibility, failure to sustain consistent work behavior, or honor monetary obligations
    • lack of remorse, being indifferent to or rationalizing having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another person

    Types of Psychopathy.

    Primary psychopaths.

    Primary psychopaths are unemotional, callous, manipulative, do not take risks, and experience little to no fear and anxiety. The scariest part of this all is that they have no guilt or remorse. They have a very strong association with antisocial personality disorder and narcissistic personality disorder. This is the worst type that you will ever cone across.

    Secondary psychopaths.

    Secondary psychopaths are emotionally unstable, and although their traits are more associated with criminal behavior, you're still likely to find them thriving in a workplace. They’re rash, impulsive, emotional, anxious, hostile, aggressive and self-destructive. However, unlike the primary psychopath, they’re disorganized and associated with risky decision-making. 

    Secondary psychopaths however  have the capacity to experience some degree of fear and remorse and to empathize effectively, but due to their emotional disturbance, these emotions are often covered up by their hostility and aggression.

    Distempered psychopaths

    They crave excitement and have a low tolerance for boredom, and are drawn to dangerous sports and activities. This subtype of psychopaths are "hotheads", predominantly males, and are most likely to be aggressive and violent, frequently flying into rages. Do not cross their path.


    Causes of Psychopathy.

    It is very difficult to know the real causes of Psychopathy but of course, there are a few causes that have been cited by research.


    In most cases, Psychopaths are born more than they are made. It would be very hard for a child of a psychopath not to turn into a psychopath themselves. If it is embedded in their genetics, then it is highly likely that a child will take up these traits as well, according to genetics study. Psychopathy can be inherited just like football or acting skills.


    For a child that has grown up with a psychopath, it is highly impossible for them not to grow into that same trait. They are learning by example while growing up and it eventually turns into their own traits because they have been taught so.

    Past experiences.

    The good old trauma. This is the greatest creator of Psychopaths. The trauma makes them mask heir own feelings. They also tend to get aggressive because of this particular past trauma, hence making the perfect psychopaths.

    Poor parenting.

    Parenting that focuses on punishment rather than rewards could turn out dangerous for a child. Remember that when children are growing up, they tend to learn so much from their parents so if all they are taught is punishment, that is all they will surely learn.

    Substance abuse.

    Substance abuse affects the human brain in many ways that you could never fathom. If substance abuse continues, there are high chances of Psychopathy.


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