"Unfortunately in Uganda we only hear what we want not what is supposed to be heard. Let’s stop jumping on every bandwagon of a trending global topic to seem relevant. Our @PoliceUg isn’t perfect without a doubt but the #StopPoliceBrutalityInUganda campaign is far fetched." This tweet made by Patrick Salvado earlier today has got him some serious roasting from angry Twitter users. Some of the replies on the tweet were "another smartphone in wrong hands" @Oworanking, "Mr. Zombie" @ismail_izy
This comes after Ugandans on Twitter (UOT) came out to call on their celebrities as being cowards and hypocrites because they took part in the #EndSARS campaign taking place in Nigeria. The angry "tweeps" said Ugandan celebrities can't use their huge following to talk about injustices in their own country but are quick to jump on others. Salvado still was among the celebrities who faced this wrath, alongside Ykee Benda.