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    Things you are doing wrong in your relationship.

    Things you are doing wrong in your relationship.
    • August 23, 2023 • 2 years ago

    Sometimes, a relationship does not just go wrong because of other factors. It could simply go wrong because of a few wrong things we do in the relationship.

    It may not be just you or just your partner alone but it could be both of you. It could be that you are frustrated with a few things that your partner does, some you may even find repulsive or annoying and the vice versa could also be true.

    There are certain things that start out as vices then gradually develop into bad habits that could make the relationship feel difficult or impossible.

    A few could even make your partner lose respect and love for you. We all know that even the littlest of vices could grow into something horrendous which may not be agreeable with your partner.

    Even when they never say it out loud or face you about it, once you realize that the flame between you and your partner is suddenly dying out, you should look around you because there could be a few things that you are doing wrong in your relationship.

    Before I knew it, the fire in her eyes had died down. The fire with which she had  once stared stamen with was blown away by a gusty wind. I could not place my finger on the real reason why this had happened and she did not utter a word a out it. The empty “I love you" always came back like an echo from a far way place.

    I blamed everything on her. Her loss of desire and her lack of interest, it all had to be on her. The sudden switching off and all the unexplained stares surely had to be on her. Well, it was not just her. There were things that I also did wrong, things that I never knew I had to change a out myself.

    Wrong things

    Things you are doing wrong in your relationship.

    Trying to win the argument.

    It is not always that you are going to be right. Sometimes you may find it that your ego is bigger than a thing else and you never want to admit to it even when you know you are in the wrong. When an argument starts out, you feel the need to win this argument just for the sake of it. You simply don’t want to lose it. Not because your right but because your too proud to admit that your wrong.

    Guess what. For a relationship to work, there has to be stability and there has to be compromise. One of you has to be a little calmer than the other in order to avoid a huge fight. You need to recall that you both need to equally Express yourselves and find the cause of the problem. Instead of killing the relationship, why don’t you kill your ego?

    Not setting boundaries.

    However comfortable you could be around each other as a couple, there are boundaries you should not cross with each other. This is simply because with crossing some boundaries, disrespect could be birthed. You need to know what to say and what not to say to your partner.

    You also need to keep in mind that there are certain lines you should never cross even with your partner. This is just a code of respect that you should keep in mind.

    Complaining about your relationship to your friends.

    If you are the kind of person that sits your friends down over dinner and you complain a out your partner to them, this has to stop. Keep in mind that your relationship is not a suggestion box that you will need to hear the opinions of others regarding what your partner did or did not do!

    You need to keep in mind that when you started this relationship, no one else started it with you. It is a journey between two people and sometimes, no one else needs to get involved in it. Remember that too many chefs spoil the broth so if you keep asking for the opinions of others, you will make mistakes you may never be able to reverse.

    Expecting perfection from your partner.

    No one has ever been,  is and will ever be perfect. If your looking for perfection, I suggest your mold yourself a partner or fly all the way to heaven and date an angel instead (I pray you don’t land on Lucifer). If you are expecting perfection in your relation, you should try to reconsider.

    It is these expectations that are going to disappoint you simply because you are expecting the impossible. Fault is part of humanity and as long as your partner is human, you should expect them to go wrong somewhere. Always be understanding and forgiving if you want to make it work.

    Wrong things

    Stalking on social media.

    Have you found yourself running to your partner’s page to check who likes their pictures or comments on them? You are looking for his admirers and you know it. Well, just stop it. Am quite sure you probably wont like what you will see because there could be people drooling over your partner (and that doesn’t necessarily mean your partner gives them attention)

    This habit will not only show your partner that you don’t trust them but it will also create a lot of doubts within yourself. This will definitely kill your relationship.

    Neglecting other aspects of your life.

    Well, we know your partner is your everything but that doesn’t have to be literal! Get yourself a life away from your relationship. Get a few friends, go out with your friends, have some fun or even do a few things that you always love to do. You do not have to base your whole life on your

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What are the worst mistakes in a relationship?

    The most common mistakes that couples make are not actively listening to one another, taking their partner for granted, and pushing aside problems because they don't want to cause an argument.

    What is an example of a mistake in a relationship?

    Letting the boundaries slip around your relationshipLetting others into your private world, even if seems perfectly harmless, can erode your partner's feelings of trust in you and your relationship. If your partner finds out, he or she will feel betrayed or even humiliated.

    What makes a relationship worse?

    Healthy relationships make you feel good about yourself — unhealthy relationships don't. Lying, cheating, jealousy, and disrespect are signs of an unhealthy relationship. So is trying to control a partner.

    What is the biggest regret in a relationship?

    Not telling someone I liked/loved themThis is a huge regret for many people because it relates to something they didn't do. The things we fail to do — or the actions we don't take — often stick with us longer because they make us think “if only”

    What makes a person fall out of love?

    Communication issues and unrealistic expectations are two of the main reasons people find themselves falling out of love. But there are things that can be done to stop the fall. Relationships are hard work; they should be viewed as investments, particularly if there is a marriage.

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