Davis TUKA @DavisTMugisha Replying to @RedPepperUG and @RobinahNabbanja
Well noted. But there are several communities that support but no any developments there. Why that is happening?
Prime Minister Rt Hon. Robbinah Nabbanja has caused a Tsunami of reactions on social media over statements she made about who is eligible to benefit from the government and who is not.
In an article published by the Red paper, one is supposed to be a supporter of the government to be able to benefit from it, according to Hon. Nabbanja.
“If you want to benefit from the government, you have to support it because a government cannot invest its resources in communities that are against it." - Prime Minister @RobinahNabbanja. Liekhow 'the streets never sleep', the responses from Ungandans on Twitter (#UOT) is extremely hot, but we managed to get for you some.
Davis TUKA @DavisTMugisha Replying to @RedPepperUG and @RobinahNabbanja
Well noted. But there are several communities that support but no any developments there. Why that is happening?
Danny @byawakadaniel Replying to @RedPepperUG and @RobinahNabbanja
"Patriotism is the love for one's country/nation, not the it's government." ~ UNKNOWN
#AnElectionWasStolen @SsettubaNoah Replying to @RedPepperUG and @RobinahNabbanja
Wako Joel @WakoJoel Replying to @RedPepperUG and @RobinahNabbanja
Imagine such mentality on Ugandans!
Kato Siraje Al-Hassan @katssira
Those our leaders transforming Uganda to middle class
Thomas Obita @tompaocaya Replying to @RedPepperUG and @RobinahNabbanja
They usually say such things and deny later but the message will have 'reached the recipients'.We've heard this before from top leaders. It actually erodes government support. We've heard pple from areas perceived to be govt strongholds complaining abt being abandoned of late!
#StreetQueen @311Adans Replying to @RedPepperUG and @RobinahNabbanja
Matt @IamMatia Replying to @RedPepperUGand @RobinahNabbanja
What would you say...?
@lubersolz Replying to @RedPepperUG and @RobinahNabbanja
We can't blame her, she was just appointed.
Well well, dear reader, this question is your. Do you think the prime minister was right or she's 'just doing her job?'