Talk about musicians with a bad temper and I will definitely give you Biswanka.
Even when he was still working With Fangone forest CEO Alien Skin, things did not end well with the two of them. Alien mentioned that the reason why he fell out with Biswanka was because the young lad was too provocative, ill mannered and so disrespectful
On the other hand, Biswanka stated that Alien Skin was just jealous of him considering that he is more handsome and more talented. Biswanka mentioned that this issue led Alien to treat him unfairly so he decided to quit Fangone forest and leave his evil boss.
Where Biswanka left to find greener pastures at Moon Avenue, he was under the wings of VJ Moon. They later separated bitterly as well because Moon claimed that Biswanka had slept with his wife, something that made him feel so disrespected. Biswanka did not even try to deny all this as he harshly mentioned that the woman chose him so Moon should deal with it!.
Being rather sharp tongued has been Biswanka's cup of tea and he has once again proved it during an interview on Baba TV in a gossip show. In this interview, Biswanka stated that he is one artiste that does not need anyone to survive in the music industry.
According to him, he can never see himself running to any musician to ask them for a collabo, no matter how big the musician may be. According to Biswanka, he came to fame after doing a solo project so he can market himself without tapping anyone's masanyalaze.
Biswanka bluntly stated that he is not inspired by anyone in the music industry and he therefore doesn’t see any need to bow down to anyone at all. He stated that maybe some time in the future he will find someone to look up to as well.
Biswanka stated that people who ask for collabos shock him because to him, that is only stopping low for fellow musicians. This is when he stated that he will only stop low for his fans because they are the ones that consume his music.
“No artist tells me anything and I do it. I only listen to my fans and this is because they are the ones that consume my music. I highly respect my fans because they are the ones who pay us to earn a living. I can’t stoop low requesting to work with any artist on a collaboration. Am always shocked to see artistes begging fellow artistes for collaborations. That can never be me.,” Biswanka stated.