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    "Jalia Walda should learn to give people respect." Tamale Mirundi Jr.

    • June 19, 2024 • 9 months ago
    in summary
    Tamale Mirundi Jr believes that Jalia Walda needs to attach respect to people instead of treating people like charity cases.

    Jalia Walda recently came out with harsh allegations against musician Bruno K, stating that he stole a lot of money from her and she was not willing to let this case go so she was out to expose him.

    Well, Bruno K in retaliation came out to explain his side of the story, stating that he did not steal any amount of money from her but it was her fault that the she never turned up in time for the video shoot and yet the money had already been used to cater for everything.

    For context, Jalia stated that Bruno received a lot of money to do a song for Jalia Walda's mother but unfortunately, it did not happen, something that made her believe she had been scammed. Bruno in his defense stated that he did not steal any money  but rather used the money to book cameras and videography only for Jalia not to appear.

    When she failed to appear in time for the video shoot, the videographers got fed up and they left. Well, how was Bruno supposed to recover the money from them when it was her own fault? Bruno stated that he did his part but she is the one that actually let him down!


    In regards to this entire saga, Tamale Mirundi Jr has come out to give a piece of advice to Jalia Walda. He stated during an interview with Sanyuka TV that she needs to stop attacking people aimlessly more so on social media. Mirundi Jr believes that Jalia Walda needs to attach respect to people instead of treating people like charity cases.

    Mirundi Jr stated that after Jalia came out and attacked Bruno K, many people were fed up because she has been attacking various people via the internet, claiming that she is helping them yet they turn out to be ungrateful. According to him, this habit should stop.

    “The only problem disturbing Jalia Walda is that she lacks respect for people around her. I urge her to be a bit more respectful towards people. She needs to understand that in Kampala, not everyone is feeding off of her and not everyone is a charity case. If she wants to keep helping people, let her open up a charity organization instead of shouting  for people.” He stated.

    Mirundi Jr further stated that very many people have even come out to help people but they never go around announcing to the whole World yet Jalia Walda is the kind of person who comes out to shout about every person she has helped and when exactly she has helped them. He stated that being rich should also be accompanied with having manners because Jalia evidently has money but lacks on manners.


    “Do you know how many people have helped others in this Country? She is not the first to ever help anyone but she keeps shouting about it. Being rich should come with a guide on manners because she evidently lacks some. “ he stated.

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