On Thursday 5th January 2023, Anita Fabiola Kyarimpa and Mark Ronald Mubiru took a big step closer to holy matrimony with a glamorous Kuhingira (introduction) ceremony. Whereas some people were just marveled by the idea that the famous and beautiful Anitah Fabiola was off the shelf, others were prying around for hot gossip.
Several things caught the attention of many (snoops and social media in-laws inclusive) at the ceremony of media personality Anitah Fabiola and her lover boy Mark Ronald. It was an exquisitely lavish ceremony that left many folding hands in wonder and astonishment. Well, aside from the gift presented to the bride to be by her hubby to be Mark Ronald (the gift of a brand new Mercedes Benz to the Actress and media personality), there was also the astonishing gomesi that the beauty wore to her kuhingira (traditional introduction)
Anita Fabiola says that the gomesi she wore at her Kuhingira ceremony was hand stitched from Dolce and Gabbana material that her husband bought for her in Istanbul, Turkey while they were there on holiday.
Fabiola says that the material that the dress was hand stitched from was purchased in Istanbul, Turkey and that it weight over 15kgs plus the waist piece (Kitambala) which weighed 7kgs. She mentioned that she remembers the entire outfit being a bit too heavy for her to walk around easily in but she is happy about the look she had on.
“On our recent Istanbul trip, my hubby bought me this Dolce & Gabbana Crystal fabric (weighed more than 15kgs) plus this Pure silk fabric (used for the waist piece was also Dolce & Gabbana & weighed 7kgs).It had to be carried around in its own suitcase So when we got to Uganda, Kushona designers hand stitched my gomesi for me. Although extremely heavy to walk around in, it was fabulous and my absolute favorite.” She posted.
According to Anitah, she recalls waking up with cuts and bruises and a bad chest pain from carrying that much weight.
“I woke up with lots of cuts and bruises plus chest pain from carrying all the weight around (my mwenda was really heavy too because it was pure Swarovski crystals but not as heavy as gomesi).” She said