Alexander Bagonza, renowned as APass, the accomplished Ugandan musician, songwriter, and producer, born on December 21, 1989, in Mengo, Kampala, proves his musical prowess with a decade-long presence in the Ugandan music scene. Notably, his hits like Wuuyo, Chupa Ku Chupa, and Nkwagala showcase his versatile talent, seamlessly blending dancehall, reggae, and Afrobeat genres.
Collaborating with artists like Konshens, Radio and Weasel, AY, and more, Apass's popularity soared. His discography includes albums like Nva Kampala, Africa Yayo, and the latest, Bagonza, released on February 1, 2024. This 42-track masterpiece, featuring collaborations with Ceee, Little Bangi, Akeine, and Alina Jay, defies conventional album lengths.
APass boldly declared,
Where was it written that an artist must release an album of only 12 songs? This is a 42-track music album. I did it intentionally to show people that I joined the music industry to break records.
The album, produced by artin Pro, Kaboo, Barubeatz, and A Pass himself, was unveiled at a star-studded event at the villa, attended by celebrities such as Salvador, artin Pro, Gabriel K, Azawi, Douglas Lwanga and many more other celebrities.
Explaining the album's title, A Pass shared on Instagram, stating that Bagonza is his story. This move to go big and tell a complete tale through his music shows Apass's dedication to making a lasting mark. It's not just an album; it's an invitation to dive into the world of A Pass's music journey.