Gloria Mulungi Ssenyonjo, also known as Baby Gloria, has made a decision to leave the reality show that's had Ugandans entertained for quite some time.
Kampala Creme is a reality show that premiered on 14th Jan 2024 with Etania, Baby Gloria, Zahara Totto and Mami Deb being the people bringing the show to life.
The show had most of us entertained with the on and off friendship between Mami Deb and Baby Gloria. The show had what we call vibe.
Unfortunately on Monday, Baby Gloria posted on her Snapchat calling the show fake and scripted.
“The show is fake. Period. And most of the things are scripted. No cap. And the whole story line was based off lies and a script. The crying, I was told to. I'm moving out of the show so now they cut out the scenes and context and confessions to make the cast that is staying in the show look good. It's a scripted show. It's not real. Period.”
She continued to confess that she couldn't fake who she was and what has been of her life.
“I could fake tears but couldn't fake my story.”
But then again here's the biggest question....Is her departure a script too so that more people could get interested in the show? You know even one who wasn't watching the show would want to know what it was about, what made her leave, what lies were of course is Baby Gloria’s departure real?