Now it’s high time for all haters out there to go hang themselves on tomato trees because whatever ill they say of baby mama Prima Kardashi won’t stop Galaxy FM’s midmorning host Arinitwe Henry from loving her unconditionally.
For the past days singer Geosteady Blackman’s ex and mother of his daughters Ndagire Prima has been on everyone’s lips after exposing her pin holed butts, on her social handles as she enjoyed a lifetime in Dubai with Henry.
With manifold of social media in-laws coming out to trash Prima’s nasty and ridged buttocks, the lovey-dovey and prince charming boyfriend Henry has been compelled to come for the immediate rescue of his sugar mummy; describing her deformed buttocks as the sweetest to ride on this planet earth.
Well its from the United Arab Emirates that Henry’s sweet sugar mama Prima is being dragged left and right as they continue to savor their romantic spree.
This has also followed speculations that the potholes in Prima's buttocks could be the reason why Geosteady run away from her.