Recently, King Saha came out and Challenged fellow musician Eddy Kenzo to a musical battle with him. According to Saha, he was anguished because of statements made by the latter when he said if anyone wants to battle with him musically, they have to fly out as his battle wont be in the Country being that he is an international artiste.
Saha told off Kenzo, saying that he should not brag because there are various brilliant musicians who have never gotten the chance to win international awards due to lack of platform but yet they have talent. Saha therefore dared Kenzo to take him on if he believes he is the greatest, vowing that he would teach him a good lesson.
The Uganda National Musicians Federation current president, Eddy Kenzo, has come out and declined the offer however. Kenzo stated that he cannot engage in a music battle with any Ugandan artist because he believes in togetherness rather than competition.
During an interview on a local television, Kenzo emphasized that as the leader of UNMF, he cannot endorse battling fellow singer King Saha, as his over all mission is to advocate for peace and harmony within the music industry. Kenzo stated that battles have brain washed musicians and are going to promote disunity if they continue to come up.
Kenzo also stated that he is good friends with King Saha so he can not engage in a music battle with him considering their closeness