If you had asked me earlier if I ever saw this coming, I would be a liar if I said I did. Alien Skin, after trashing politics and calling politicians liars has now come out to give small hints about his plans after he retired from music come December this year.
Yes, you heard me. Alien Skin stated earlier on that he is set to retire from the music industry because it has a lot of bad mind people hat he is not willing to put up with. He however had not come out to state the kind of plans he is going to pursue after leaving music.
The Fangone Forest CEO Alien Skin was hosted on Galaxy TV yesterday night, he still kept to his word, saying he is soon to retire from the music industry in December. However, he stated that his retirement wont mean that he will get out of the spotlight as he plans to maintain his hard earned fame.
He shocked netizens when he said that he may instead go into politics and to display his seriousness, he stated that he may even start up a political party called the Fangone Unity Platform.
“I’m going to stop doing music in December, I’ve done everything, it’s time for me to pave the way for young Artists, I don’t want to be a dictator like other musicians. I will quit music but that does not mean am quitting fame. I will be there even after music, I’m planning to join politics, don’t be surprised when you see my political party called Fangone Unity Platform soon” Alien Skin said