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    Key Landmarks Pave the Way for IM Bank's Golden Jubilee

    Key Landmarks Pave the Way for IM Bank's Golden Jubilee
    • June 27, 2024 • 3 days ago
    in summary
    As IM Bank approaches its golden jubilee, its CEO, Robin Bairstow, has highlighted key landmarks that have shaped the bank's journey in recent years.

    As I&M Bank approaches its golden jubilee, CEO Robin Bairstow has outlined the key milestones that have marked the bank's journey over the past few years. Under his leadership, the bank has undergone significant transformations aimed at building a strong brand and fostering a unified corporate culture, positioning it for sustained growth and success.

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    One of the note worthy achievements highlighted by Bairstow is the strategic initiative to build and strengthen the I&M brand over the last two years. This period has been important for the bank as it focused on establishing its presence in the competitive financial sector. Efforts to enhance the brand included various marketing campaigns, customer engagement activities, and a focus on delivering high-quality banking services.

    These initiatives have not only raised the bank's profile but also helped in attracting a broader customer base. The emphasis on brand building has been essential in differentiating I&M Bank from its competitors and establishing a reputation for reliability and innovation in the market.

    Another big landmark that Bairstow emphasized was the culture change within the bank. When I&M Bank took over Orient Bank, there was a diverse mix of cultures among the staff. This included former Orient Bank employees, new hires, and personnel from the broader I&M Group. The varied backgrounds and experiences posed a challenge in creating a cohesive and unified organizational culture.

    Bairstow explained that the initial focus was not on investing in infrastructure or other tangible assets but on aligning the people within the organization.

    "The other milestone was the culture change. When we took over, we had various cultures in the bank-we had people who were formerly Orient Bank staff; then the new-to-bank staff as well as a few other people from I&M Group," said Bairstow.

    The leadership recognized that developing a shared culture and values among the staff was paramount to achieving long-term success. This involved extensive internal communications, team-building activities, and leadership training programs to ensure that all employees were on the same page.

    The culture change initiative aimed to create a collaborative and supportive work environment, where employees felt valued and motivated. By prioritizing people over infrastructure, I&M Bank was able to build a strong foundation for its future growth.

    Bairstow credited much of the bank's recent growth to the implementation of iMara 3.0, a strategic program designed to drive performance and innovation within the organization. Over the past six years, iMara 3.0 has been instrumental in shaping the bank's operational and strategic direction.

    "The most important aspect responsible for the growth withing the organization over the last six years, has been the iMara 3.0," he added.

    iMara 3.0 focuses on several key areas, including enhancing customer experience, taking advantage of technology for operational efficiency, and developing a culture of continuous improvement. The program has introduced various initiatives to streamline processes, improve service delivery, and adopt cutting-edge technologies.

    As I&M Bank prepares to celebrate its golden jubilee, the landamarks highlighted by their CEO reflect the bank's commitment to continuous improvement and growth. The focus on building a strong brand, building a unified culture, and implementing strategic programs like iMara 3.0 has positioned the bank for sustained success in the years to come.

    Looking ahead, I&M Bank plans to continue its emphasis on innovation and customer-centricity. By taking advantage of technology and maintaining a strong focus on its people, the bank aims to further enhance its service offerings and expand its market presence.

    The journey towards the golden jubilee is not just a celebration of past achievements but also a testament to I&M Bank's vision for the future. Under Bairstow's leadership, the bank is well-positioned to navigate the challenges of the evolving financial landscape and continue its trajectory of growth and excellence.

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