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    LOVE JUNGLE: Troublesome expectations in relationships and how to solve them

    LOVE JUNGLE: Troublesome expectations in relationships and how to solve them
    • October 12, 2021 • 3 years ago

    Whether one is single or coupled, managing your expectations is the fatest ticket to a happier life. Relationships are a tricky business for singles in search of them and for couples in the woring things out pharse. We all have ideas about what a good relationship looks like, and we all have different needs and desires that we hope to have met. Yet, there are some impractical expectations that arise those that often happen again and again especially in these modern times. Here in the love jungle we explain some of the common and obvious expectation one has to avoid and how you can work them out if you are a victim

     Love At Viba


    This may sound sexiest but have no doubt its not, many females have the idea that their partners should know what they need. "'He should know that I need a hug when I'm down.' Or 'he should know that I'm exhausted when I get home from work yet the there are dishes everywhere. Realistically one will have to share their needs if you expect to have them met. You might even need to reiterate a few times. There are some men who just might not find the need to sort for example the dishes on time. The most important thing is  Don't equate his ignorance about your needs with how he feels for you. Just because your partner doesn't care about the the dishes doesn't mean he doesn't care about you.



    It’s a myth believing that a relationship is failing because a couple is arguing. Quarreling is totally normal. It's more about how you argue and how quickly you make up. Favourably the recovery time should be less than half an hour. A healthy couple is really good at apologizing and letting it go. However if you keep having the same arguments over and over again, it may be time to focus on acceptance and your partner's strengths. Sometimes we need to accept that we are different and have different personalities You don't have to agree on everything to have a good relationship. 



    Get a life. Yes, couples should enjoy spending time together, but that doesn't mean that every waking minute outside of work should be spent holding hands.Some people believe that if you're lovers, then your lives should be entangled. It's healthy to have your own interests and friends and even spend time alone. Cultivate at least part of your life that belongs solely to you. 



    Factually anything worth doing in life takes work. A fit person has to work really hard to get a six pac. It takes hard work to get a great job. Relationships are probably the most complicated thing that we do in life so they're also going to take the most work. That said, a healthy relationship between two compatible people won't feel like hard work every single day. if you're with the right person, there will be a sense of ease in the relationship. That doesn't mean it will always be easy. Life has challenges.

     Nowviba Love


    Sometimes there are extreme expectations one expects his/her partner to tick off a million tiny boxes that aren't important in the long run. 

    This expectation can also affect long-term relationships, where individuals think that their partner should fulfill all of their intellectual, social, emotional, physical and spiritual needs all of the time. But that's an unrealistic fantasy. Instead, focus on the big things, like "Do you feel respected? Do you feel like this person is honest and faithful to you? Do you feel safe with them? Bottom line: if, when you're with them, you feel secure in your life and yourself, then you're with the right person The rest doesn't matter.

    Of course, most people will have unrealistic expectations on occasion. Here's what to do if you're not sure where your desires fall:

    Share your needs
    Your partner can't read your mind. If you want him (or her) to do something, you're going to have to tell him preferably when neither of you are hungry, tired or prone to picking an arbitrary fight. Then you can decide together if your desire is realistic or not. For example, if you always want your partner to respond to your text messages within half an hour… that might not be realistic for many reasons (he's working; he's trying to enjoy time with friends without staring at his phone; he's driving). But the first step is to discuss it, find out if you might be asking too much and then work out a solution together. 

    Talk to close friends
    If you still disagree with your partner, it may be time to talk to other couples. Choose friends you trust and use them to gauge if you want too much or if your expectations are common and reasonable. If you're single and can never seem to find someone who makes you happy, you can also ask a friend or two to go through your checklist of must-haves and knock a few items off.


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