Musician Chosen Blood has been romantically attached to many women as much as he has been romantically involved with quite a number of women. We all recall how he was recently alleged to be in a relationship with Winnie Nwagi, right?
It reached a point when audios leaked of a one gentleman who called Chozen Blood, telling him to leave Winnie Nwagi alone because he was getting in the way of the gentleman’s relationship with the curvy female songstress.
Despite all that, Chozen denies ever having had anything to do with Winnie Nwagi. Currently, he has even come out to say that he doesn't deal with arrogant women. According to Chozen, he takes his life seriously, and dealing with arrogance would ruin his career.
He stated that this same principle is the reason as to why he is still single. He mentioned that when a woman is arrogant, she will desire to control her man and yet he does not want to be under anyone’s control, more so a woman.
"I don't deal with arrogant women, and it's the reason I am still single. Arrogance breeds disrespect, and I don't want to be under anyone's control. I want to be a free man," he said.