For a while now, many musicians have been accused of being drug addicts and when asked about it, some will come out to deny it while some will say things like marijuana are used as local herbs.
Everyone expects someone to at least defend themselves when it comes to such accusations but guess what! Prince Omar refused to budge. During an interview with Galaxy TV, Prince Omar was questioned by presenter Flora. She asked Omar whether he is into drugs.
Omar shook his head in wonder but he definitely refused to answer the question. Omar then stated that he would not answer that question and he requested that they move on to a different topic or a different question all together.
“I will not answer that one. Ask me a different question because I refuse to answer that one.” Prince Omar stated.
Flora, in her defense stated that many artistes that give exclusive interviews as guests on Galaxy TV have all been asked this question so it is not a question out of malice but rather curiosity. She stated that Alien Skin was once asked whether he chews the famous “enkoola" to which he agreed and King Saha always says Marijuana is medicinal so people should not talk ill of those that use it.
Prince Omar was quick to play defense as he stated that he is one person who prefers not to get involved in other people's private lives so he would like it if other people also respected his private life and not unnecessarily ask questions that are not related to his music.
“I am the kind of person who likes minding my own business. You will never find me diverting from that principle. I would prefer it so much of you asked Questions regarding my music rather than those regarding my private life. Since I always stay out of people's private lives, I hope people also stay out of mine.” He stated.
Prince Omar further stated that when it comes to interviews, he is always worried about the kind of questions that are going to be hurled his way, which is why he may stammer once or twice during his interviews but he tries so hard to answer most questions diligently, which is why he prefers to be asked professional questions only.
“Whenever we musicians are going for interviews, we know we could be asked tough questions so I could stammer here and there but I try to answer all my queries. This is why I want to be handled professionally.