Kawomera hit singer, Sasha Brighton has come out to declare herself unlucky and the champion of failed relationships in and outside of Uganda.
She says;
If dating the wrong people was a talent....... I'd be abroad representing my Country cheeeeiiiii
The singer who has been in a two year solid relationship with Herbert Shonga, a Ugandan/Malawi businessman came out to say this a few days ago after realising she was single and lonely.
With massive cold winds blowing her soft-body every night, Sasha Brighton said enough is enough and had to declare herself a failure in relationships.
But how did she get here
In March of this year, she revealed how she had broken up with ex-lover Herbert Shonga months ago in October 2020 and saying she just kept quiet about it because she is not someone who goes around displaying her failure all over the news.
The two, Herbert and Sasha met at the end of 2018 and from that time had been flaunting themselves all over social media throwing kisses and tight hugs to each other.
But wasn't Hebert Shonga already somebody's man
It was a public secret that Herbert was already someone's husband and he got married to his wife, Dorothy Shonga in 2016 in a lavish wedding that came second to none at that time.
So when he started a relationship with musician, Sasha Brighton in 2018 we wondered what could have gone wrong with his barely five years old marriage with Dorothy.
Without mentioning anything bad about his marriage, Herbert in the early days of dating Sasha, said she was only a friend and a business partner.
He said he only came as an investor to pump some cash into Sasha Brighton's musical career and Sasha also confirmed this by always calling him a good Samaritan whenever questions came up about him.
But where it ended, Herbert and Sasha were now pumping themselves between bedsheets.
What did Dorothy do about all this
Dorothy Shonga through various Facebook live videos cried her heart out to her lost husband, accusing him of cheating on him severally but still coming out to say that she loves him.
This went on until she got tired of crying because the man was always in Uganda cheating with various women while Dorothy was back in Malawi running the business empire they own together.
Dorothy made up her mind last year (2020) around valentines day and flew to Uganda to effect her divorce at one of the courts in Kampala and this gave a green light for the fling between Sasha and Hebert to go on.
However, as I have already said, it ended in premium TEARS...