Last year, there was shock as the Kabaka appeared in public for his 66th birthday appearing sick and frail. With his hands behind his back, he looked into the cameras, hardly able to give off a smile despite the fact thag it was a happy moment. Many people were worried for the Kabaka as he looked like a whithered flower.
There was also noise as some people claimed that the cake baked for the Kabaka’s 66th birthday was shaped like a coffin, a sure sign that they were bidding farewell to the Buganda King. Katikkiro Mayiga would later came out to reveal to Baganda the disease that was disturbing the Kabaka, saying it was an allergy.
A few weeks ago, however, there were reports that the Kabaka had been flown abroad for medical treatment. The reports claimed that the Kabaka had spent about a month outside the country to allow doctors time to make proper check ups and reviews on his treatment.
According to Intel, around April 2022, the Kabaka flew to Europe for medical reviews and official kingdom duties. Following the Kabaka's return, kingdom prime minister Katikkiro Charles Peter Mayiga told the kabaka’s subjects that he was “healthy and reigning over his kingdom.”
But when he made an address as Buganda Kingdom celebrated its ‘Independence Day’ (which is the Community Work Day) on October 08, 2022, he did not look so good therefore a number of his subjects were concerned about his health condition.
Some people commented that the kabaka needed urgent and specialized treatment for whatever condition they think he is suffering from while others, as has been the case, started blaming the Kabaka's suspected illness on certain officials at Mengo and in the central government. Other subjects were worried about the king’s health, vowing to keep putting him in their prayers so that God would heal him from whatever is troubling him.
However much the videos portray him to look older than he should, frail and weak, his condition is better than it was in 2021 during his 66th birthday.