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    Things that make women look unattractive to men.

    Things that make women look unattractive to men.
    • October 16, 2023 • 1 year ago

    Ladies certainly believe that it is very important to capture a man’s attention, am I right? And they are definitely right about that. Capturing a man’s attention however can have two outcomes, he either does not want to tear his eyes away from you or he wants to run out of the room and bury his head somewhere in the sand!

    There are beauty standards that women follow and they believe they are bound to look attractive in the eyes of men and there are things that ladies do ignore, with belief that these things will make them look unattractive to a man. Sometimes, the things they choose to do however repellent men and the things they choose to ignore are the same things men find attractive.

    Dear ladies, I believe that your actions will make a man more attracted to you than your looks ever will do if you have been solely focusing on the looks, I suggest you sit down and reflect on your character. Is it repellant or is it attractive to a man?

    There are a few things that men will never speak out loud for fear of having women getting angry at them so I am here to break the ice. Here are a few things women think attract men but yet men find them utterly unattractive;


    Things that make women look unattractive to men.

    Excessive makeup.

    If you like to apply your foundation just because you believe it will make you look attractive then I have some bad news for you. Well, a considerate amount of make up is definitely not a bad idea. If you go for the right natural tones and light make up, it is no problem at all. Being natural is the best way to go and men find that effortlessly attractive (you are beautiful the way you are, remember?)

    When you cake your face up however, I believe you are just torturing your skin and not attracting any man because men find this fake and very unattractive. While we are on the subject, I would also advise that you do not apply your make up in a public area. If you think you are garnering attention this way, then you are wrong. It looks disgusting! (This is a harsh truth that many of you don’t want to swallow)

    Exaggerated hairstyles.

    I understand that you want to look unique, yeah?! How unique are you however? Hairstyles that are exaggerated definitely attract a man's attention- in a bad way. He will stare because he needs to find the right words to roast you as soon as he meets with his homies. Going for a simpler and effortless look however will be the killer because men are attracted to that kind of stuff, just so you know.

    The long lashes.

    Sister, you look like you are trying to peek through curtains when you look up at him and you expect him to hold in his laughter and be attracted to you? He will be too busy trying to figure out how heavy those lashes are and how you can see through them to be able to be attracted to you. If you believe men find that attractive, you are entirely wrong.

    Excessive hairstyles

    The talons.

    This is not “snake in the eagle’s shadow", you know. What are those claws for? When a man looks at extremely long finger nails, the first thing he will do is doubt your hygiene (you should know what am getting at here). These unpleasant thoughts alone will make a man view you as an unattractive woman. Your nails look more beautiful when they are a reasonable length.

    Bad breath and bad body odor.

    How does he even stand to stand with you or talk to you for more than a minute when you have bad breath or a bad body odor (or even both!) If you want a man to be attracted to you, you need to take care of your self first and this entails personal hygiene. Cleanliness makes a man feel safe with you. I mean he never has to worry about diseases and all that.

    Too much perfume.

    It is truly neck turning, but in a bad way. Having too much perfume makes you look like an attention seeker.( If it is not with your scent, then you definitely can not attract a man any other way!) Whereas smelling nice is attractive, overdoing it is just so unattractive for men.

    Skimpy dressing.

    Attention seeking to the maximum! This makes you look like you are a beauty with no brains, something your aware about so you decide that the only way you can get a man to notice you is by showing some skin to entice him. This is actually the worst case yet many women do this, believing it is attractive. Guess what! It is not.


    Even the Bible states that “a nagging wife is like water that goes drip drip drip.” Men love peace so if you do not offer that, you are more of turbulence than calmness. Men are attracted to serenity hence a calmer woman has higher chances of being considered attractive as per the standards of men.

    Vulgar language.

    Profanity is also one of those worst case scenarios you see. Men believe that a beautiful woman does not use vulgar language and does not cuss. If you are into this habit, men find it unattractive however much you may act like it does not bother you  in the least.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What makes a person unattractive?

    A negative attitude. This is a very unattractive trait. If you are constantly saying something can't be done, passing off negative energy to the people around you, putting things and people down, making others look bad, and choosing to see the worst in every situation, you need to consider attitude therapy.

    What is not attractive to guys?

    These are quite many. This goes without saying, but bad breath, dry lips, unbrushed teeth, dirty hair, long fingernails, body odor, dirty or wrinkled clothes or a scruffy beard are all bad ideas if you want to catch a mate.

    What do men find attractive in a woman?

    Men look for women who can offer them support, encouragement, and compassion. Nobody likes to spend time with someone who constantly complains or brings up trivial matters. Even men desire a lady who can relate to them in difficult situations.

    What makes you uglier?

    According to scientific studies, most unattractive traits aren't physical. Some of the guaranteed ways to turn people off involve dishonesty, not having a sense of humor, and even sleep deprivation.

    How do I know if I'm attractive?

    People gravitate toward you. Attraction by definition means that other people will feel the need to be near you. If you are attractive, you may find that you naturally become the center of conversation or of a large group of friends. People send you messages or contact you out of the blue

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