The Ministry of Health today at 6pm has announced the ban on flights from India.
This is due to an Indian variant that was found in Uganda.
This variant is deadly, unresponsive to medication and so far killed thousands in India.
This ban is to take effect on the 1st of May 2021.
The ministry of health has already quarantined those that were from there and tested positive.
The current situation in India is worrying as they recorded 600,000 cases just in one day.
Over 700,000 people have died in India while many are in very critical condition.
It is also reported that the very poor people are the ones dying the most due to lack of medical attention, money to purchase oxygen ventilators and starvation.
Many Ugandans however seem displeased by this decision saying the ministry always late and bringing up precautions and regulations yet the variant is already in the country.
Last year in March, a lockdown was declared after one person had tested positive for Corona virus at the Entebbe airport while landing in from Dubai.