Veteran singer, Omulangira ‘OS’ Suuna, may be musically silent but he seems to be very loud and clear when it comes to matters of the bedroom. It has been quite a while without setting eyes on him but upon setting eyes on the musician, he was seen purchasing “mulondo" roots through his expensive Audi car window.
Riding in an Audi number plate UBD 900S, the singer was filmed procuring “omulondo” on one of the streets on a city suburb. Mulondo is a root that is meant to increase sexual stimuli in a man.
Well, it is of course not purchased as a hair booster so we all know what he was up to.
Trust netizens with hawk eyes when it comes to spying. In the video clip, there is some one seated on the co drivers seat, comfortably looking on while Suuna purchases the roots. And guess what? It is a mamacita.
While there are people that chew this root for medicinal purposes, there are some that use it as a booster. Suuna looked perfectly healthy and did not look like he needed the medicinal part of the root.
Well, good luck out there Suuna!