* U.S intelligence agencies offering $10m for any information about the Hamas financiers.
* The middle east terrorist group is said to have a minimum of five key financiers operating their assests across the world.
* The U.S department of State, diplomatic service and security is also offering relocation in reward.
The United States had resolved to starve the Hamas of weapons and funding by breaking their international and foreign exchange network as one of the ways the conflict with lsrael can be stopped amidst escalating clashes. This is the latest measure adopted by Washington to suppress the terrorist group with its five major funders all branded terrorist before. The U.S has so far launded four rounds of sanctions on the terror group and is now appealing for intelligence on its five major money men.
The most influential of all the five has been named as Abdelbasit Hamza, a dual Spanish-sudanese citizen known as Hamza who is reported by the state to have been involved in almost $ 29m to the Hamas as the manager of it's portfolio investments. The latter 68, is also said to have connections with former Sudanese President Omar al Bashir and has had long standing financial ties with the Al- Qaeda and slain Osama Bin Laden. Three others named are said to be Amer Kamal Shariff, Ahmed Sadu Jahleh and Walid Mustafa Muhammed who are said to live in Turkey and manage Hamas portfolio properties.
The eight figure reward has been placed on intelligence of Hamas revenues, frontline companies and major donors. lntelligence is also looking for information on activities used to fund the terror group and its activities. Hamas is said to have established a global financing network through setting up intricate webs of shell companies, crypto currency and investments which the U.S values to be about $ billion (£790 million) with lsrael reported to have financed the terror group in a bid to buy off the Gaza enclave.