As the nation waits for the presidential address slated for tomorrow Thursday 4th/2021 about the future of continuing students, the Uganda National Examination Board (UNEB) has come out to request for a whopping 10.4 billion Uganda shillings to help speed up the preparation of the forthcoming national examinations.
While appearing before the parliamentary committee responsible for the finances, UNEB general secretary Daniel Odong stressed a number of reasons why him and the UNEB team are requesting for the money which include paying invigilators, procuring standard operating systems requirements such as temperature guns, sanitizers, masks among others. Odong also hinted on the issue of increasing the rooms for sitting so as to reduce the risks of contracting Cvid-19.
“Initially, the space between candidates was 1metre but because of Covid, we’re likely to increase to 2metres. This is also going to be the case with marking centers which we’re planning to increase for the same reasons of social distancing.” said Mr Odong.
When asked about the schools that are asking parents for invigilating money, Odong said no school is allowed to ask money from parents for invigilation, as that is a responsible for UNEB.