Just recently, a seemingly ailing Dr. Propa resurfaced in the media. In a video that was seen circulating widely online, Dr. Propa was seen recording his residence. For a man who had a reputation, his residence left many shocked as was seen living in a very poor condition. In this room he has recorded, it was evident that he was lacking very many things and this condition therefore alarmed his fans as well as netizens.
This was not the end of it all however. His health condition was also very alarming and it raised many eyebrows. In the video, he was seen sneezing and coughing with watery eyes.
What scared his fans the most however were Dr.Propa's words. While looking at the camera, he has apologized to everyone he ever wronged in his entire existence. His fans were especially worried because his words sounded like a last testament of some sort.
People that came across the video then called upon the authorities to try and locate the seemingly ailing musician and try to render him as much help as possible to get him out of that situation. Dr. Propa was indeed located and he has been receiving help from various musicians and well wishers.
Recently, we caught wind of his meeting with Fangone CEO Alien Skin as the two of them were seen together, having a light moment at Alien Skin's home. Since then, netizens have been less worried about him as he seems to be improving day by day. According to Dr. Propa however, there are people that led him to this state he is in and apparently, Ziza Bafana is the major person.
Dr. Propa earlier on accused Ziza Bafana of stealing money from him, something that greatly affected his finances. Even when Ziza Bafana denied all these claims, Dr. Propa still sticks to his word, saying Bafana stole money from him that he gave him to record music.
According to Ziza Bafana, there are chances that Dr. Propa is not as badly off as he is making himself out to be. Bafana stated that for a person who has been in a bad condition, Dr. Propa still looks too good and he never even lost weight, something that seems impossible for a person who claims to be badly off.
Bafana further went on to state that he has been with Dr. Propa even until last year as he used to even sleep at his recording studio but he did not look like he was in a bad state or anything of the sort. Bafana even went on to state that Dr. Propa is too sharp to be caught up in a dire state of absolute poverty so he finds that unbelievable.
When asked whether he believes everything coming from Dr. Propa is a lie, he was quick to mention that on his end, he thought everything was a stunt from Dr. Propa to make a reappearance.
“I would not say he is lying because only he knows what he is going through. But I last saw him when he was doing okay so everything came to me as a shock. The truth is, I even thought this was just a comeback stunt by Dr. Propa. The Propa I know is too sharp to be in such a situation I am telling you.” Said Bafana.