Earlier on in July, singer Alien Skin's pictures stormed the internet. They were no ordinary pictures because they were taken in the area of Makindye and he was seen cruising in a clearly expensive black Range Rover. This instantly set tongues wagging, because many people never expected him to afford such an expensive ride since he had just entered the scene.
There were many rumors surrounding the newly acquired car with the most popular claim being that after three concerts in one month, Alien had reaped big and decided dash money on a new car that would perfectly match his newly acquired fame.
Some netizens went on to call him a government project, stating that it was the government financing his lifestyle, something they further insinuated after he had a fall out with the NUP leader Bobi Wine. A few months later however, there emerged claims that he lost the Range Rover because people were no longer seeing him with it.
Reporters therefore decided to ask him of the whereabouts of the vehicle they saw him cruising not so long ago. Alien quickly replied, saying that he was a mechanic way before going into music and therefore, owns a few old cars of his own but as for the new and Porsche rides, most belong to his clients. According to Alien, he fixes his clients’ vehicles and they are the ones that he drives sometimes.
He then told the press to stop jumping to conclusions just because they saw an artiste with a new ride because it may never be there’s and it could either be rented or borrowed.
“I don’t even know the cars I have. But the ones I own are old vehicles. I have always worked with metals and wood before doing music. I used to fix cars before becoming a musician. You may even find me driving my boss’ car that was given to me to fix. Whoever circulated the rumor, it is on you because no one ever called me to confirm whether I had bought myself a new car. Stop assuming.” Said Alien Skin