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    Canary Mugume Worryingly Close to Bummy TV Presenter

    Canary Mugume Worryingly Close to Bummy TV Presenter
    • August 13, 2021 • 4 years ago

    NBS TV's Canary Mugume is worryingly and dangerously close to fellow presenter, Isabella Tugume.

    The two who were selected to lead NBS TV's prime news English bulletin are close like bums. Besides reading news on screen, they have extracurricular things they do to each other.

    Deep thinkers, first hold it right there ?. So the two presenters are always making Tiktok videos while off air but still in the studios.

    In the videos, they are seen doing all sorts of crazy things, well apart from touching themselves because we have noticed, our married man Canary is always 100 kilometers from Isabella Tugume.

    WATCH VIDEO: Canary shows off Bonking skills next to Isabella, live in studio 

    Why the huge social distance (100kms to be exact)

    Canary Mugume is known to be a married man ever since he officially took himself off the singles shelf this year.

    Not so long ago, he got married to a one Sasha Ferguson whom he introduced to parents in a traditional 'Kukyala' ceremony.

    The Kukyalas were two in number, one at Canary's parental home and other at Sasha's parental home, all hugely attended by family and close friends like Andrew Mwenda and Raymond Mujuni.

    Is Sasha, Canary's wife worried 

    According to sources, Sasha Ferguson who has been in love with Canary for 10 good years even before their kukyala is deeply worried.

    She is definitely against the working relationship of her husband and the bummy TV presenter who by default is supposed to co-host the NBS live at nine bulletin at the moment.

    And by the looks of things, Isabella doesn't seem to be married if our finger inspection is any thing to go by.

    Isabella's ring-less fingers
    Isabella's ring-less fingers 

    To make things worse, Sasha works in another country, Tanzania meaning that she is miles and miles away from her husband in Uganda. She currently works with the United Nations in Tanzania, a job she got after dropping her TV career a few years ago.

    WATCH VIDEO: Isabella attempts to show Canary her huge behind 


    Leave a Comment below about this story

    Guest ᛫ 2 years ago
    Sasha is worried 😯, but I cry out loud to ISABELLA to be professional.

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