Over the weekend, celebrities flocked the State House of Entebbe to attend a meeting with the president.
These celebrities included full figure who also took a new born to meet the inspiration for his name, Basajja Mivule, king Micheal, Ashbury Kato and re known comedian Dr. T amale.
Some of these were however unable to make it because they were chased out of the state House based on rumors.
It is also rumored that Catherine Kusasira lost her connection to the state House due to certain reasons that are still undeclared.
Money was given to these celebrities to look for votes for the president as the election draws closer.
One of the sources who attended the meeting claims that they were given about 2 billion Uganda shillings to look for votes.
They also added that musicians will be given a solution so as to help them pass through these hard times.
Most of these celebrities were part of the NUP camp before they shifted to the NRM team.
They all have hope that their candidate will be able to win the election.