Dancehall singer Cindy Sanyu real names Cinderella Sanyu has welcomed a bouncing baby girl with new husband Prynce Joel Atiku Okoyu. The couple that became one on 11th December 2021 after making their marriage vows in church welcomed their first child together and Prynce could not hide the excitement. He went on his social platforms to announce the news, “She’s here, God is great....Thanks to Dr. Kaliisa and all the staff at Prime Care hospital. Can’t explain how excited we’re right now #Baby” he posted!
Our close sources reveal that the baby and mother, who also doubles as the Uganda Musicians Association President are in good condition. Cindy made her pregnancy public during the 2021 lockdown through picture & video posts on her social media. Prior to her pregnancy, she got engaged to her Prince Charming Joel Atiku who is the father of her baby in March 2020 shortly after her Boom Party concert.
This is Cindy Sanyu’s second child after Amani Brunneti, a daughter Cindy sired with former lover Mario Brunneti. Congratulations to the Ekoyu’s!