Renowned emcee Edwin Katamba, popularly known as MC Kats earlier on took to social media to complain about the unfairness of Musician and Federation leader Eddy Kenzo, stating that he is highly disappointed in him.
MC Kats took to his X handle where he posted a variety of videos in which he was seen expressing discontent with Eddy Kenzo for the sole reason that Kenzo acted distant with him when he asked him to do a collabo with Fille( his baby mama and artiste under his management). According to Kats, when he asked Kenzo to do a collabo with Fille, whom he is managing, Kenzo told him to search for his manager and process his request formally.
Kats expressed his disappointment, stating that Kenzo of all people should not be treating him this way. He mentioned that in the past, he and Kenzo had done so many things together and he played a very huge role in Eddy Kenzo's career just when he was starting out as a musician.
MC Kats therefore called Eddy Kenzo not only ungrateful but also very disrespectful towards the people he should be the kindest to. MC Kats was very quick to say that Eddy Kenzo seems to forget good deeds done by people real fast.
MC Kats further stated that he single handedly did so many good things for very many musicians as they were starting up their music careers but it seems like people are find of forgetting good acts done for them at the speed of lightning.
Well, Eddy Kenzo also has retaliated against MC Kats, saying he does not understand what Kats is talking about. While responding to Kats’ accusations, Eddy Kenzo, also the president of UNMF, he wondered where Kats got the guts to make such accusations about Eddy Kenzo or anyone neglecting Fille at her time of need.
Kenzo clarified that he and the UNMF have even been actively supporting Fille during her health struggles, and have also been ensuring her ongoing medical care to ensure that she gets back on her feet.
“I have spent an entire year taking care of Fille at the Federation. Even as we speak, she is somewhere in the hospital being taken care of so that she gets well. I don’t know why Kats made such statements. All I know is that no one has neglected Fille. Not even a little,” Kenzo stated during n interview seen on Brayz Media.
Keep in mind that this is the time when MC Kats and Fille are busy preparing for a concert for Fille. Netizens are still unsure whether MC Kats is being honest or whether this is a stunt to promote Fille's concert. We shall keep you posted when new details emerge.