The Kampala Creme show seems to be getting more and more viewers despite being bashed by Baby Gloria (who left the show) as a fake and scripted ordeal. According to Baby Gloria, the show is dictated to a point that every story that the participants tell on there is not true at all.
According to Baby Gloria, she was given instructions to cry and exaggerate her life story, so.ething she did not agree with so she chose to leave the show, thereby exposing everything that was going on within the show and everything the producers had urged her to do as well.
The other participants however were not in agreement with what Gloria was saying so they came out to say that she was only trying to minimize the backlash she had got after pretenciously crying her lungs out in an episode of Kampala Creme.
Well, some people are on there spilling beans on issues they had long denied. According to gossip tabloids, there has always been a romantic relationship between Etania and musician Joshua Baraka, something that the pair have always denied despite being constantly asked about it.
Well, it seems like Etania could not hold her excitement during the last episode of Kampala Creme as she revealed having a romantic involvement with Joshua Baraka. On Sunday evening, it was during episode 6 of the reality show when Etania gave away this precious piece of information.
To the shock of many netizens and viewers, towards the end of the episode, there were visuals showing Joshua Baraka hugging a smitten Etania after a show in Kampala and there were also visuals of the pair sharing a romantic moment at a Kampala hang out spot.
Keep in mind that the pair have always been caught hanging out together and getting cozy with each other in night hangout spots.
Etania then went on to mention how deeply she feels for Joshua Baraka, declaring her love for him. She mentioned that she will never call men trash because she is now on the right track and she will continue being a lover girl beside Baraka.
“I’m a lover girl for real, for real. Kale I’m ashamed. I have always been the CEO of “Men are trash” but I promise I am not repeating that,” Etania said.
Keep in mind that before Joshua Baraka, Etania has been one of the female celebrities that have always underrated relationships, saying that men really have nothing new to offer women and that women are actually better off without men.