In a quite an unfortunate turn of events, Ugandan citizen and musician Fik Gaza found himself in a hit mess after he was harshly detained by authorities upon landing in Saudi Arabia all because he was seen waving a Ugandan Flag.
While Gaza was waving his Country's flag, he was flocked by over jolted fans and well, you know how enthusiastic fans can be, right? Fik Gaza's little act of Patriotism towards his Country left him in a terrible situation as he attracted the attention of Saudi officers who immediately scooped him away and took him into custody.
Well, netizens are entirely not happy about this entire situation as many believe Fik Gaza did not do anything bad for him to deserve to be taken away into custody like a criminal of some sort. This incident has therefore sparked discussions online, with many expressing shock, anger as well as concern over the harsh response that Fik Gaza's simple actions garnered.
A few Ugandans have therefore come out to question the judicial system of Saudi Arabia, with a few even wondering whether this unfair treatment is only faced by Ugandans or even other Country citizens that visit Saudi Arabia. Some Ugandans have even questioned the grounds for his arrest, mentioning that there needs to be freedom of expression and of course there are prevailing cultural differences between Uganda and Saudi Arabia and each Country needs to understand that.
The charges that Fik Gaza was taken in for are still unclear but netizens have been left wondering whether there is something that he did that is against the laws of Saudi Arabia as a Country. However, the biggest issue that seems to be overturning Ugandans is the fact that there has been no official statement from Saudi authorities regarding this incident or even the reason why Fik Gaza was treated that way.
This is not the first time that a Ugandan musician gets arrested in an Arab Country. Recently we recall how Beenie Gunter was arrested in Dubai over a scuffle that happened with promoters in Abu Dhabi. It took quite a while for Beenie to be released and returned home to his family.
Ugandans have urged the government of these Arab Countries to speak up if there are regulations that are supposed to be followed by musicians as they enter their countries so as to avoid such scenarios where they have to arrest foreigners because of catching them on the wrong side of the law.
We have not heard anything from Fik Gaza yet, however, we shall keep you posted as the story unfolds.