Musician Karole Kasita has for the longest time now been linked to Rapper Fefe Bussi. The two have been rumored to be in a romantic relationship and when Kasita gave birth to her son King, many came out to say Fefe is the father of the child.
The pair however keep on denying their affair and they keep on saying their relationship is strictly professional and they have never been romantically involved with each other. On a few occasions, they tend to act lovey dovey with each other but then they go on to deny any romantic involvement.
Kasita however has come out to mention that she will not reveal the father of the boy (her lover) to the public because it is no body's concern but hers alone.
She has defended her decision while backing it up, saying that it's a private relationship between her and her man so the public shouldn't be concerned with her personal affairs. Kasita believes that if he public gets involved in their relationship, it will lead to issues and the relationship will end in tears.
"I will never show off my man to the public. My relationship doesn't concern anyone; it's between me and the father of my kid. I don't want the public to know my lover because a lot will come in, and in the long run, it may affect my relationship," she said.