A few days ago, officials from the electoral commission and government gave a few orders to employers and companies.
These orders were to allow everyone at the work place to participate in the voting.
" You should either work in shifts, some vote while others work and the ones who voted should go and give chance to those who did not, or you work half day or not work at all."
MTN has come out to serve a notice on how some services will be shut down.
Among these services includes mobile money.
This is because they will not work at all to give chance to their employees including mobile money agents to vote and go home.
No one really knows the atmosphere of tomorrow as some speculate there will be some chaos.
MTN therefore does not want to risk their employees' safety.
Most of the mobile money shops have not worked as some are in fear especially after seeing the presence of the military yesterday while others did not have money and were told to take a break.
MTN has about 7 million users in Uganda.
Airtel has not yet communicated on its plan but we presume it will take the same suit as both companies are the biggest players in Uganda's mobile network.