Docile Tv presenter and musician Crystal Panda has emotionally highlighted how big he would be in the music industry with two massively sessional hits if Mun G hadn't plagiarised his Bitwaala song.
According to first hand information from Crystal, expatiates how Mun G cold heartedly redid his song 'Bitwaala' without his consent.
Kyoyina Omanya hit maker in an emotional voice narrates that after production of his song by Artin Pro, with hyped moods posted it on his whatapp status and it was from here Mun G grasped his lyrical content redoing the song without his permission.
Apparently its Panda's side of the story we have listened to because Mun G hasn't come out to hand in his side of the story, and according to King Crystal panda, Mun G's copycat traits denied him a chance to be a big musician with two hit songs.