"Who needs Comedy store when there's Ugandan Politics?" A statement made by one Ugandan. This sounds funny and on second thought, it is a very intriguing question. Come to think of it, with all the pending issues biting the country, our legislators thought having bomb proof seats for MPs was most important?
Former Speaker of the 10th parliament, who's now the 2nd deputy prime minister Hon. Rbecca Alitwala Kadaga tabled the suggestion on the floor of parliament. The Kamuli woman MP suggested the new parliamentary chambers should have bomb proof seats to enhance security of the legislators.
The new chambers are expected to house 600 MPs and other legislators and the seats are estimated to cost a whooping 300bn UGShs upon completion. The Honorable warned that if the procurement is to be done, it should be done in any country but not China, Well, the Asian super power is notorious for producing and selling sub-standard products to her clients worldwide.
The story, like many others that come out of the August house has caused anger erruptions among Ugandans, and one was caught expressing their anger, saying that indeed the parliament is now full of empty heads whose owners are not thinking about the ordinary Ugandan but rather themselves and family members.