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    Signs that he only wants sex and not a relationship.

    Signs that he only wants sex and not a relationship.
    • October 1, 2023 • 1 year ago

    There is a type of guys who I would love to call bold. They walk up to you and make their intentions known, saying they would love to show you a great time in bed (sometimes you perceive this as disrespectful right?) Well, to them, it is simply letting out a truth and believe me, there are some women that will be more than willing to take them up on this offer.

    Am not defending my gender but all am saying is, there are also women who would rather not commit however much society has made it look like only men are unserious and do not want to commit to a relationship.

    There is a group of cowards however (if the shoe fits, just wear it Prince charming because am not apologizing for my language) who would rather beat about the Bush and act like they want a serious relationship with a beautiful young man only for them to use her and then dump her after drawing her in and toying f with her emotions.

    Ladies out there, if you have met a man, he is charming and pays attention to you in the beginning but suddenly after coitus he starts to change and his energy starts to disappear, it could be that you landed yourself a player who is only interested in the sex but not in the relationship!

    The moment you start to feel like something is missing, then something is definitely missing! Trust your gut. There are men out here that only want sex and not a relationship but will not man up to admit to that.  It’s especially tough in the beginning, as you are just getting to know each other. There are many different potential signs that all he wants is sex and here are a few;


    Signs that he only wants  sex and not a relationship.

    He only meets up for sex.

    If you have a man who definitely does not turn up for the plans you made together but he is always down for sex, I suggest you pack your bags and leave that relationship if what you are looking for is a long term relationship. You may not believe me right now but however much people get busy, they know their priorities and if he wants a relationship with you, he will make effort to fulfill your plans.

    If he appears in the night with a pack of condoms simply because you told him your in the mood then rush the migration and move out of that relationship.

    He leaves immediately after sex.

    A man that loves you and cares for you will not run out of the door after having sex with you. Men also know that after sex, you cuddle the person your in love with. That is like the creamy top to that moment so if he does not do it, he simply does not want a relationship with you gurl.

    He simply is there for sex and since he has already got what he wanted, then it is time for him to run out your door and maybe find himself another adventure! (Bitter truth)

    He is only caring while he is asking for sex.

    If your man only shows the greatest amount of care when he is asking for sex, and I mean that care that he never shows you when you are telling him something serious or something other than sex then you best see yourself out of that relationship.

    This is clear gurl. He is only being sweet so that he can smoothly slide into your pants( what were you thinking, naughty girl)

    He loves indoor dates.

    Do you know why he is always hitting you with he “Let’s go to my place. I can cook for you?”. Drum roll. Anything can happen at his place or yours and you may find yourself agreeing to it as well because well, we are humans and you are also caught up in the moment.

    When you are in public places however, it is less likely that he will sleep with you and this is why he would rather meet you at his or yours ( an eye opener, right?)


    He always talks about sex.

    Every conversation you ever have always turns sexual. You really want me to elaborate on this? A man that wants a relationship with you will always sit you down to have small talks of nothing and everything. He will want to hear you laugh, he will want to hear you sound funny or even stupid. If all he ever talks about is your backside or your t*ts then forgive me sister but you are in big trouble.

    He only texts you.

    The text only rule. Well he only texts you and asks whether it is okay for him to come over(you know what for) but he will never find the urge to call you and ask you how your day has been. Stop being delusional and move on with your serious relationship.

    He only compliments your physical appearance.

    Respectfully, it is okay for a man to tell you how sexy you are if you are his woman.  But if that is all you ever hear him compliment, I suggest you pack your serious relationship into a simple briefcase and walk out of his life because he totally does not dig you!

    He never tries romance.

    Romance is very crucial when it comes to relationships and sex. I have heard several women justifying their men's behavior, saying that their men are rally good in bed but they are not so good at romance (criminal offensive side eye) .

    No man does not know how to romance a woman. In other words, if he does not do that crucial little thing, then he is not there for a relationship. He simply came for sex so he has no time to waste on juicy romance. Your man knows what he wants sister.

    He checks out other women in your presence.

    Quit telling your female friends that your man is so free with you that he tells you when another woman is attractive and your okay with it. Talk about being Delulu! Stop it because your friends are laughing at you (and honestly so am I). If he checks out other women in your presence, he is after sex and that right there is his next play toy! I sign out.

    Frequently asked Questions

    Why do guys want sex but no relationship?

    It's worth reiterating that not all men fall into the mainly sex-driven category, but men who only want sex want it for pretty much the same reasons women want sex: because it feels good. Men who are motivated by pleasure above all else simply might not be ready to pursue more meaningful relationships yet.

    How do you know if someone is in the relationship just for sex?

    Identify whether what you and the other person feel is sexual attraction. Signs of lust might include focusing on each other's appearance, having a relationships that revolves around sex, and little interest in having real conversations and getting to know the other person.

    How do I know if a guy doesn't want a relationship?

    He Never Makes the First Move. If your guy doesn't text first, doesn't make plans to meet you, and just generally doesn't take the initiative in your relationship whatsoever, those are definite red flags. A relationship is all about putting in the effort, and if he's not then it's time to walk away

    Does sex bond a man to a woman?

    The researchers demonstrate that sexual desire triggers behaviors that can promote emotional bonding during these encounters. “Sex motivates human beings to connect, regardless of gender

    Why do men change after sex?

    After the rush of endorphins and physical sensations, men's bodies enter something of a “cool down” period. During this time, he's physically sensitive and needs some time for his body to get itself in order. And those chemicals and endorphins may have him out-of-sorts mentally, too, as he comes back down to earth

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