Love is one of hardest and complex units of human life to the extent even professors failed to attach a uniform definition to it.
It is however referred to as an emotion that can be difficult to understand and express, when it comes to relationships, women may express their love in different ways . However, there are some common behaviors that women exhibit when they genuinely love someone.
In this article, the writer dissects for you five determinats that a women loves you for a genuine reason. These will probably guide in differetiating between someone who is just there to use you as opposed to someone who want to see your relationship flourish.
And the comment section is open for all your suggestions.
She is proud of your accomplishments
Whether she met when you are already a self made man or at your lowest and she been a witness of your journey of success, a woman that genuinely loves you will become your biggest fan. She will fight anyone else who tries to bring you down and above all, she encourages you to do better.
She cares about your loved ones
If she is the kind of person who cares less even after getting to know that your mother, father or brother is not doing well, will never at anytime ask you about it even when the both of you converse, you might be settling with a wrong person. In simple terms, a lady who genuinely loves will take the initiative to make sure that family and the things that wories you become her wories.
Fights for you as a couple.
This shines through everything she does. She tries to find a nice balance where both your needs and hers will be met. She even goes beyond that to the point where she begins to seek out activities, events, locations, and extracurricular activities that involve couples as opposed to something that she could do on her own. As a man, you also begin to do the same and that way you grow together as a couple and your relationship flourishes a whole lot more.
This does not mean that she sharks her needs and desires. It simply means that she tweaks them a little bit into something that suits both of you.
Ready to sacrifice to see you happy
With no Shadow of doubt, one of the things that keeps a health relationship is compromise. Thus when you cross paths with a woman who is not willing to bend over backwards when it comes to certain things, this person may not be as genuine as they want you to be. They end up being hard people to live with because they always want things to move their ways. Simply, a woman who genuinely loves will exbhit willingness to sacrifice just ensure and see that you are a happy man.
She tries to connect with your friends and family
There’s nothing like dating a person who is always dodgy, will not want to come home to meet your friends and wants to keep the relationship a secret.
That should be the biggest red flag for you. When someone genuinely loves you, they open up to you, they open up their circles. You get to meet their friends, their family, and all the important people that matter in their life.
So if you’re with someone who cannot do that, it’s a red flag and you need to stay away from this person.If a woman generally loves