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    Kampala Lord Mayor Lukwago to Challenge NEMA Over Wetland Evictions

    Kampala Lord Mayor Lukwago to Challenge NEMA Over Wetland Evictions
    • June 23, 2024 • 7 days ago
    in summary
    Kampala Lord Mayor Erias Lukwago has vowed to challenge NEMA over the legality and humaneness of ongoing wetland evictions, calling for a halt until legal issues are resolved. Lukwago and the KCCA will meet with NEMA to discuss the Lubigi swamp evictions, which have left hundreds homeless.

    Kampala Lord Mayor Erias Lukwago has vowed to challenge the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) under the NEMA Act 2019, condemning ongoing evictions of residents occupying wetlands as illegal and improper.

    Lukwago’s strong stance comes in response to the recent evictions in the Lubigi swamp area, which have left hundreds homeless.

    During a visit to Bwaise III village on Sunday, where further evictions are expected this week, Lukwago criticized NEMA’s approach.


    "These evictions are not only illegal but also inhumane. NEMA must halt all operations until the legal gaps are addressed,"

    Lukwago asserted, standing amidst the affected community members who have been displaced.The Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA), led by Lukwago, is set to meet with NEMA leadership tomorrow to discuss the evictions.


    Lukwago emphasized the need for a lawful and considerate approach to environmental management.

    "We must protect our wetlands, but not at the cost of human dignity and lawful procedure. The KCCA is committed to finding a solution that respects both environmental laws and the rights of our citizens," he added.

    Residents of Bwaise III expressed their distress and frustration over the evictions. Many have lost their homes and livelihoods, with no clear plans for resettlement.

    Ruth Nakimuli, a mother of three, described the situation as dire.

    "We have nowhere to go. NEMA came without warning, and now we are left in the cold," she said tearfully.

    Lukwago highlighted several breaches in the eviction operations conducted by NEMA, including lack of proper notice and failure to provide alternative housing for the displaced families.

    "The NEMA Act 2019 requires humane and orderly evictions, but what we are witnessing here is far from that. We will not stand by and watch as our people are mistreated," Lukwago declared.

    NEMA, on the other hand, maintains that the evictions are necessary to protect Kampala’s wetlands from illegal encroachment, which poses significant environmental risks.

    NEMA spokesperson, Dr. Tom Okurut, defended the operations, stating,

    "Our primary duty is to safeguard the environment. The encroachment on wetlands has reached alarming levels, and decisive action is required to prevent further degradation."

    However, Lukwago insists that environmental conservation and human rights can coexist.

    "We can achieve a balance where our wetlands are protected, and our people are treated with the respect they deserve. It requires dialogue, planning, and adherence to the law," he said.

    As the KCCA and NEMA prepare for their crucial meeting, the displaced residents of Lubigi swamp hope for a resolution that will allow them to rebuild their lives.


    Lukwago's challenge to NEMA underscores a broader debate on environmental conservation and human rights, highlighting the need for policies that are both effective and compassionate.

    The outcome of this meeting could set a precedent for how Uganda handles similar issues in the future, balancing the urgent need for environmental protection with the fundamental rights of its citizens.

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