The trend these days has been the campaign technique employed by Makerere University Business School Guild President contestant known as Juma Wasswa Balunywa. He has been invited to many local Television stations and also, MUBS has been buzzing with his name as everyone is almost sure he was to win the Guild Presidency elections considering that no other name is as sounding as his own.
News on our desk however displays that there is concern in MUBS that Balunywa, their favorite man is being sidelined and his camp is being tossed aside, all because he has a few retakes here and there, something that his camp has considered very unfair and biased.
This has seen a concerned member of his camp writing a letter of plea to the acting Principal of MUBS, urging him to drop the bias and let the Juma Wasswa Balunywa camp take part of the upcoming elections freely and fairly without any sort of bias dampening their seemingly successful and bright future.
In this letter that has landed in our hands, it is stated that an academic meeting was held on 14th February and in this meeting, the discussion of Juma Wasswa Balunywa's academic stand was discussed as a hindrance to his position as a guild president. According to this concerned student, the academic board has never been in charge of elections so they see no need for Juma to be sidelined all because the board suggested he focus on his studies.
The letter further called out the Principal for acting immaturely by releasing Juma Wasswa Balunywa’s academic results in a bid to try and get him off the candidates list in the upcoming Guild President elections. This concerned student further notes that the academic board should only focus on academic matters but not anything related to politics within the campus.
In the letter, which seems to be the voice for students, they have urged the Board in charge of academics to practice fairness and utmost transparency in the upcoming elections and have also demanded that the issue of exposing their candidate’s academic stand be addressed as soon as possible. They went on to urge the Principal to also get his hands off the roles he is not meant to be practicing as elections are governed by The students Electoral Commission and not the Academic Board.
Whereas the Students seem concerned about Juma Wasswa Balunywa’s candidacy, he has come out to assure everyone that he is still in the candidacy for Guild President of MUBS and nothing can shake him for he believes that now more than ever, he is the chosen leader.