* Same sex couple receives blessing in New York.
* Rev. James Martin blessed Jason Steidl and husband Damian Steidl in Manhattan, New York.
A same sex couple proceeded to the church and received their blessing one day after Pope Francis passed a directive legalizing the blessing of same sex couple emphasizing that religion doesn't segregate and we are all children of God.
This transition of the church from the old conservative culture has been a change with Pope Francis liberalising the doctrine of the Jesuit Community finally achieving his precedent cardinal dream of welcoming the LGBTQ+ community into the church.
" Homosexuality is not a crime, yes its a sin but these people need to welcomed incase they seek the light of God " said Pope Francis who was awarded Advocate of the year by the LGBTQ magazine "THE ADVOCATE"
This further rises more eyebrows about the Vatican administration but is not a surprise to many as the church itself has been victim of sexual immorality and characterised by financial scandals with the latest being Cardinal Giovanni's 19 year prison sentence for fraud related charges leaving doubt in the morality of the world's second practiced religious faith.