Comedian Maulana Kasozi of the duo Maulana and Reign was arrested and hurled to Luzira prison over domestic violence and child neglect. Just last week, Maulana's baby mama came out and cried to the public, saying he had neglected their children despite him being financially able to cater for them.
She not only accused him of child neglect but also went on to accuse him of domestic violence as well. His baby mama, known as Nalujja had earlier on made the same confession back in 2022 but she did not receive a lot of help back then.
It is also recalled that Mama Fina tried to intervene and reconcile the couple, something she made possible by recently, Nalujja decided to come out and attack again, saying her condition is really bad and she is soon getting evicted out of the house as Maulana neglected his duties as a hubby.
According to Nalujja, Maulana is a very violent man as he was always battering her, too much to the extent that he even promised to kill her at a certain point.
Nalujja recollects that it all started when he married another woman and this is when he started going back on all the promises he had made to her and her family as he took her out of her father's house.
Well, Maulana was picked by a Police patrol car and he was later paraded in court and remanded to Luzira prison where he currently is. We shall keep you updated on any new developments in this piece of information