American Rapper Kanye fame and money have made him run insane according to revealers. Kanye West recently published his own Bible. He tampered with the original Bible and did not change much of the content but rather omitted the word God from every page and replaced it with his name Kanye.
He is the very first musician to come up with such an absurd idea and he went ahead to say that he is the Almighty that the Bible has been talking about all this time so he only sees it fit to change the Word God to his own name.
Kanye West has named this Bible " The Book of Yeezus, A bible for the mordern day". This bible consists of all the books from Genesis to révélations.
This only proves that he is starting his own religion and moreover he adds on that he has done every act as mentioned in his book for example he has fed even more than five thousand people through donations and programs for feeding the poor.
"In the beginning, kanye created the heaven and the earth and the earth was without form and void and the darkness was upon the face of the deep and the spirit of Kanye moved on the face of the waters." Says the first chapter of the book of Yeezus.
Kanye went ahead to plead with modern Christ to purchase his book and that who ever believes in the book of Yeezus will be a true worshipper and believer of Kanye west