Seasoned Journalist Isaac Daniel Katende, famously known as Kasuku met up with renown Influencer and media personality Sheila Gashumba during his birthday celebrations and as the Baganda say, okutambula kulaba, okudda kunyumya" [whatever you sight while travelling is worth the talk upon returning home]
Kasuku made a revelation that the public was most certainly not ready for. According to Kasuku, he made a discovery upon interacting with Sheila Gashumba that the kind of money she was earning in one day is the same amount of money that some people in the same work field like him are surely making after a total of four months of non stop work.
Kasuku further went on to state that this was not just hearsay but he witnessed it himself as he was shown proof. While speaking to Ruth Kalibbala, Kasuku stated that upon sitting with Sheila Gashumba for a talk, she showed him an incredibly heavy receipt of her payment. Kasuku mentioned that she had been paid shs. 20 Million UGX for just one night of hosting at a bar.
"In just one day, Sheila Gashumba, young as she is, makes what most of us in the same work field make in four months. This is not just hearsay. I saw a receipt where she was paid 20 Million for just hosting for one night at a bar." Kasuku said
According to Kasuku, this is the exact importance of positioning yourself right and valuing yourself in the field that he works in. According to Kasuku, he is certain that the reason as to why Sheila Gashumba is paid highly for all her gigs is because she values herself and her work above anything else and she has shown her audience how much she values herself so that will always be the way they see her.
"There's a way she's built her audience and she knows her value. This is what sets her apart from many others." said Kasuku.
However much Kasuku is one of the most sought after seasoned journalists he made it clear that he has also not reached the level that Sheila Gashumba is at. He then stated that he now no longer blames her for choosing to turn into a CEO of a clothing brand because she can handle it well.
According to him, Sheilah Gashumba had justifiable reasons for quitting her full-time media duties because she was making enough money through her gigs alone and does not solely depend on her salary as a media personnel.